Bulk Replace Tools
Bulk editing operations in Surveyor Classic and Surveyor 2.0
Surveyor Classic
In Surveyor Classic, the Bulk Replace tool is found in the Tools Menu.
Details using this tool can be found on the wiki here.
S20 Bulk Replace Tool
Access the Bulk Replace Tool by r-clicking on the replacement asset in the new Assets Palette to open the Contextual Menu. Clicking "Bulk Replace Filtered Assets" will then replace all the assets you have selected in the Filter Palette with the asset selected in the Asset Palette.

This tool enables the user to replace any one or more assets with a single new asset of the same type across the entire route.
Bulk Replace Filtered Assets
Follow these steps to replace assets selected in the "Filter" Palette with the asset selected in the "Asset" Palette:

Select Replacement Asset:
Search using the Asset Palette (or use the Eyedropper) and choose your replacement asset.

Test Replacement:
Paint a small area over the texture you want to replace to check its appearance.

List Textures to Replace:
Search in the Filter Palette for items to replace. If unknown, use the Eyedropper to pick assets from the world and copy the name into the Filter Palette.

Refine Filter:
Untick any assets in the filter list you do NOT want to be replaced.

TIP: Create a Picklist if replacing a number of assets at one time.

Set Filter to Disabled:
Change the Filter Palette from "Filter Lists" to "Filter Disabled".

Bulk Replace:
Search the Asset Palette again (or use the Eyedropper) to select the replacement asset. Right-click the asset (in Asset Palette) and choose "Bulk Replace Filtered Assets."

Reset Filter:
If you're done with Bulk Replace, we suggest you reset the filter to Filter Lists.

S20 Bulk Paint Under Spline Tool
To paint ballast under a specific track, or to paint any texture under any spline, first select the spline, then click on the contextual menu to bring up the "Paint Under Selected option.

Detailed Steps
  • First, select the ballast texture to be painted in the Assets Palette.
  • Set the desired Radius in the Tool Option Menu.
  • Using the Free Move tool, click on the spline you want to paint under (or double-click to select all the track up to the next junction).
  • Click on the contextual menu then click on "Paint Under Selected.