Dispatch Manager
The Dispatch Manager is the central location to view all activity happening on an active route. Here you’ll find a list of all industries, trains, rolling stock and drivers located on the route as well as their current status. The Dispatch Manager is an easy way to monitor active tasks and identify any issues or stuck trains. This is also where you’ll be able to claim dispatch tasks as your own and carry them out yourself.

Dispatch Manager Overview:
Dispatch Manager can be opened in Driver mode from the Tools dropdown at the top of the screen.

  • Tools → Dispatch Manager
Dispatch Status:
  • Allows you to enable or disable Automatic Dispatcher (TLR as a whole).
  • This will clear the cached track distances between all trains and industries. This data is used by Living Railroad when deciding where to dispatch trains. If some cached data is incorrect, then this may fix dispatch issues with specific trains or industries. However, on large routes this data may take a very long time to rebuild.

Restart Stuck AI:
This option has two functions when enabled:

  • It will cause all AI operated trains (those running Driver Commands) to abandon and rebuild their command schedules if they become stuck. This can cause them to release junction/track permits, which can help to allow other trains through and clear jams. This behavior isn’t new, but this option now gives you the ability to disable it.
  • When a driver assigned to Automatic Dispatcher appears to have been stuck and automatic attempts to resolve have failed, it will cancel its task with this option enabled. If the option is disabled, Automatic Dispatcher will not cancel its task, regardless of how long it may remain stuck. Canceling a task means that the train will give up on its current delivery attempt and do something else. That task will be considered failed, and will be placed on a cooldown to prevent it from being immediately attempted again.
Under this part of the window, you’ll find a list of all trains, consists, and industries on the current route. The menu has two columns, one labeled Item which includes the aforementioned items and the other labeled Status.

The Status column contains information regarding an industry or consist in the item column. Each item's status has a drop down that includes options to perform actions related to the current status/item.


Clicking on Item brings up a dropdown menu with filter options. By default All is the selected filter but the following can be individually selected:

  • Shows all trains and industries.
  • Shows all freight industries on the route.
All Trains:
  • Shows a list of all powered and unpowered consists on the route. Includes cuts of cars with and without connected power.
Powered Trains:
  • Shows a list of all consists with a powered locomotive.
Rolling Stock:
  • Shows a list of consists without a powered locomotive.
  • Shows a list of all drivers, active or inactive, on the route.


Clicking on an item's Status brings up a dropdown menu with various commands related to the current item and status. Below are some of the common commands:

Pause Task
  • Allows you to pause any active activity an AI train is engaged with. Pausing a task will assign the driver to you and pause its schedule. While paused, you can move the train out of the wait period, issue new/different commands, etc. When a task is paused this command will change to "Resume Task", which will return the driver to the Automatic Scheduler and have it resume the schedule.
Claim Task
  • Allows you to claim a task from a specific industry, or take over an existing driver task. When claimed on an industry the dispatcher will attempt to find you an available train and driver to perform the task, which may not always succeed. When run on a dispatched train/driver the driver will be immediately assigned to you and the current schedule will be cleared. Navigation icons will direct you where to go and an objective will be added as a reminder of the task. Automatic pathing for the selected train will end and you’ll be expected to set your own turnouts and navigate to the destination.
Cancel Task
  • Canceling a task will instruct the dispatcher to remove this task assignment. This can be used to cancel your own task, or remove an "Automatic Scheduler" from a specific task. Note that once canceled, a different train may be assigned to the same task a short time later.
Request Dispatch Task
  • This option is available on player owned drivers/trains only, and will instruct the dispatcher that the player (ie, you) would like a task to drive. The dispatcher will examine the available tasks and assign the best available task to that Driver. This may take anywhere from a couple of seconds to several minutes (requires tasks be available to claim).
Cancel Dispatch Request
  • This option is available on player owned drivers/trains which have previously requested a task (see above). It will simply cancel the task request, allowing the player to do their own thing.
Assign to Automatic Scheduler
  • Assigns the Driver to the automatic scheduler, where it can be automatically dispatched on tasks.


Show [Driver Name]
  • Brings up the Driver Detail Window for the selected driver. Here you can see the driver’s current location, assignment, classification and dispatch status.
  • Here you’ll also find the Command Status which shows the list of Driver Commands assigned to the AI.
Show [Industry Name]
  • Brings up the Industry Detail Window for the quoted industry. Here you’ll find the commodity levels and industry processes as well as info on any active dispatch tasks.
Show [Vehicle Name]
  • Brings up the Train Detail window for the quoted train car. Here you'll find train details such as name and length, current dispatch information, and the new vehicle queues editor (see the "Vehicle Queues Editor" section below for more information).

All details also include an Activity Log interface, which shows a log of all activity related to the displayed item. More information about the activity log is included below.


Disable/Enable Dispatch for This Process
  • Toggles dispatch on/off for a specific industry process. This effectively tells Living Railroad to ignore that industry process. If an industry has more than one process, only the selected process will be disabled.
Clear Cached Track Paths for this Industry
  • Clearing track paths for an industry removes data used by Living Railroad to route and dispatch trains to and from that industry. It will then rebuild the relevant data automatically, but this may take a while, and may impact performance while it runs. It’s recommended to only do this when Living Railroad appears to be wrong about an industry’s reachability.