Water Effect Layer
The Water Effect layer has been introduced primarily for Surveyor 2.0 and has been updated in TRS22 SP2 and Trainz Plus.

While this functionality is available in TRS19 SP4, it is not recommended to convert to the new system (in TRS19) as functionality is limited.
Note: TRS22 SP2 Update
The TRS22 SP2 update includes updates to the Water Effect Layer. As TRS22 does not have S20, use the Topology tools to raise and lower the water effect layers.

The key thing to note is that you can raise and lower the Water Effect layer just like terrain. However, because you generally want water to be flat, it is better to use the "Set Height" tool rather than Height Up or Height Down tools.

The Surveyor Classic water tools will continue to work, but we do not recommend you mix the two systems on the same route.
Note: HD Terrain
**Note:** Legacy water is not supported on HD Terrain.
The water effect layer covers the entire route, therefore if you adjust the ground height down, you will also need to adjust the height below ground level for any areas where the water is not required.
Converting Legacy Water to an Effect Layer (S20)
Since legacy water is not compatible with HD Terrain, you need to convert Legacy Water to a new Water Effects layer.

* From the Edit Menu, Select Edit Environment
* Select the Environment Tab (Sun & Cloud symbol)
* Click on the “Upgrade Water to Effect Layer” Icon (found under the “Water” heading)
* NOTE: See the Alpha release sheet for current issues with water effects.
The "Upgrade Route" tool, available in the 'HD Terrain' Trainz Plus update, will automatically convert legacy water to a new water effect layer.
Working with Water Effect Layers in S20
* In the Effect Layer tab, click on the '+' to create a Water Effect Layer
* Enter a name and select "Water Effect" from the Effect Type dropdown list
* If required, choose a new Asset for a different effect then click the Tick to save with the defaults
* Select the newly created Effect in the Effect Layers Palette
* Check the Brush Type has your Water Effect selected
* Check that the Brush Mode in the Tools Palette shows Set Height
* Set the Sensitivity in Tools Options to 100%
* Alt R-click on the terrain at the height level you want your water to appear (this updates the Tool Options Height value)
* Begin painting
Working with Water Effect Layers in Classic
* In the Topology > Advanced tab, click on the Add/Edit Effect Layer button
* Enter a name and select "Water Effect" from the Effect Type dropdown list
* Make any configuration changes or click the Tick to save with the defaults
* Select the newly created Effect from the Effect Layer dropdown list
* Select the Height Up tool, then click on the Set Height button
* Paint the terrain where you want the water to be placed
* Adjust the Set Height value if necessary
* Continue painting
The water effect is transparent in shallow areas, and opaque in deeper areas. Use appropriate ground textures to get the right look and feel along your shoreline.
Create Multiple Water Types
You can have various water types such as Calm, Small Ripples or Rough, and different colours, according to your different requirements in various areas of your route. Simply create multiple water effect layers and adjust the configuration settings accordingly.

* In the Effect Layer tab, click on the + to create your first Water Effect Layer
* Give it a descriptive name such as "W1 - Calm"
* Click on Advanced settings
* Click on the "Asset" dropdown list and select "Calm" from the list
* Update the RGB values to change the color
* Click the Tick to save your settings
* Repeat with different Asset types to create variations in the effect showing on the water
* Remember to save each with a descriptive name so you can find the appropriate configuration when painting
* Select one of the water types in the Effect Layer palette and begin painting.
Use "Set Height" and paint slightly beyond the waters edge (where it meets the ground) so that the water surface is flat to the edge
Painting Water at Different Heights
Using Water Effect Layers, you can paint water at any height simply by setting the Height in the Tool Options Palette, selecting Brush Mode = Set Height, then painting.

By default, the water begins at 0m height. For most use cases, you can hide the "slope" up to your required height under ground.
In S20, Alt-click on the terrain to enter the terrain height into the Tool Options Height field. Then it's ready to be used with your Water > Set Height brush
Creating a River
Using Brush Mode = Grade, and setting the Grade to say 1%, you can paint a river that rises 1m every 100m. With a bit of practice, and using the Grade tool with your terrain as well, you can create rivers and streams quickly and easily.
To avoid a slope near your shoreline, use Grade = 0 and paint from the center of your stream toward the shore.
For more realistic colours, Use primarily low values to keep the water colour towards the "black" end of the RGB scale.
Changing Water Color
Edit the Water Effect layer, and adjust the RGB values. Check the colour in the preview window to the right of the RGB values.